Content Blocks

Content Blocks are used for custom content that is not in the Content Editor. Learn About Content Blocks Here

Age Verification

This controls the display options for the Age Verification modal. You can select 'Yes' to display and 'No' to hide.

Club Layout

This controls the layout of the club options. You can choose either to display either one or two across.

Color Options

This template has 3 color options for you to choose from; Default, Dark, and Light.

Footer Contact Details

This controls the contact details located in the footer of every page. It has 3 inputs; phone number, email, and address.

Hompage Call Out

This controls the sections with a large background image and copy over a white box it resides under the logo on the homepage. It has 6 layout options. You can chose the background image, add copy, change the alignment and order.

Homepage Display Options

This controls the the whole featured content section on the homepage under the main content including the fearued wines, featured map and featured video. You can edit the alignment or choose to hide/show each piece or the section as a whole.

Homepage Map

This controls the map and copy showcased on the homepage under the main content in the featured section. You can input the embed code provided by Google Maps and and copy describing the location. The alignment and display settings can be edited by the 'Featured Display Options'.

Homepage Video

This controls the video and copy showcased on the homepage under the main content. You can input the embed code provided by Youtube or Vimeo and copy desribing the video. The alignment and display settings can be edited by the 'Featured Display Options'.

Homepage Wines Copy

This controls the copy next to the product group 'Featured Wines' showcased on the homepage under the main content. The alignment and display settings can be edited by the 'Featured Display Options'.

Logo Options

This controls the layout of the logo. You can choose the logo placement and size. You will  also be able to add the page title if you  so wish.

Page Call Out

This is the same as the 'Hompage Call Out' except it's located under the main content on the basic and wide page templates.

Page Header Image

This controls the header image on all of the the basic and wide page templates. You can upload an image and assign to the appropriate page.

Page Image Background

This controls the background image displayed on the 'Image Background' and 'Image Background Wide' page templates. You can assign this template in the page properties of the content editor. Th upload an image and assign to the appropriate page.

Page Title

This gives you the opprotunity to add a title above the basic page template's main content and secondary navigation.

Responsive iFrame

This lets you embed a responsive iframe responsive like a google map or vimeo/youtube video on any page as a componet.

Subscribe Headline

This controls the copy in the next to the mailing list subscribe form located above the footer on every page.